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Mad Professor Fun Scientists at Festivals


We have both educational and fun experiments that will have your children laughing, entertained and educated for 60 minutes. Our fun scientist acts at festivals will spark that imagination with our mad and educational programs and activities. We explain the factuals and involve as many of the children as possible over the course of the show. In fact, it can be argued that being outdoors is better as we can fire off that 20 foot cola geyser - we are never allowed to that indoors!


The show consists of up to 16 different experiments and covers, air and sound, visual puzzles, density and oil and water, explosions and gases! Its all really great science for chidren.


We target the primary school age range of 7 to 12/13. If your age group is a bit on the younger side, thats no problem, as we cut back on the techno speak and will add a few more lighter experiments.


Fun Science Experiments that blow up!


Hover your mouse over each of the larger images for a bit of text.